Creative Portfolio Design is a focused opportunity for exploring one's creative voice and articulating a career path strategy. Through questioning, research, idea generation and design development, students create unique and effective portfolio pieces.
How do you land your dream job? What do you need to be prepared? Building on the Brand Story Workshop processes and exercises in understanding the market and your personal aspirations, you will design a portfolio piece with a comprehensive branding that speaks to your dream job.
Personal Brand Story
Have you ever struggled to quickly explain what you do to someone you just met? Did you ever wonder how people come up with short and effective descriptions about their creative careers or activities? Explore examples of professional and student brand stories and learn how to articulate the value and tone of your brand through a message that moves your audience. By the end of this workshop you will have a clear and memorable sentence that communicates your value and professional strengths to your career of choice.
Experimental Short Film
Are you a visual person? Do you enjoy outdoors? This highly creative group activity is designed to encourage exploring one's personal creative voice through natural observation and playful artistic activities. Participants get the chance to view the same topic from a personal point of view and communicate their vision in a unique and innovative way. Using a smart phone camera to explore the cultural scene in an area of town, they explore various visual storytelling formats and media to design a visually captivating and meaningful short film.
I will teach you and share fun examples of experimental visual storytelling. We meet in a part of LA and observe to discover. the idea is to tell the story of this space from your point of view. we all see the same thing but perceive it differently. How you tell that story is your vision. you can use mediums to enhance it. you can create something super cool
this becomes a 30 second film about your experience and your voice about that area
Wish Doll Making
Do you love crafts? This fun filled experimental arts-based workshop is open to all, regardless of age or previous artistic experience. The aim is to foster a sense of well-being, connection to self, creativity, and joy. Participants will draw upon their innate creativity and artistic skills, using a simple method inspired by the creative arts therapies, to generate symbolic doll-like figures that represent participants' wishes, dreams, and inner desires.
this fun workshop is a powerful way to create bonds with friends and visualize…